Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Islamo-Fascism Petition

David Horowitz has a new approach at his Terrorism Awarness Project ... see the site HERE.

It is an important time for Muslims who actually do not embrace sharia, islamofascism, and seventh-century barbarianism to say so. Here is the base of the petition.

Islamo-Fascism Petition

Islamic Jihadists around the world have declared war on America, Israel and the West and have made clear that:

  • The goal of the Islamo-Fascist jihad is world domination
  • The Islamo-Fasacist Jihad demands the suppression of all Infidels
  • The Islamo-Fascist Jihad is a war against Women
  • The Islamo-Fascist Jihad is a war against Gays
  • The Islamo-Fascist Jihad is a war against Christians
  • The Islamo-Fascist Jihad is a war against Jews
  • The Islamo-Fasacist Jihad is a war against non-religious people

In opposition to this, we affirm four key principles denied by the jihadists and threatened by them:

  • The right of all people to live in freedom and dignity
  • The freedom of the individual conscience: to change religions or have no religion at all
  • The equality of dignity of women and men
  • The right of all people to live free from violence, intimidation, and coercion

We call upon all campus political, cultural, ethnic and religious groups to stand with us in opposing all forms of religious supremacism, violence and intimidation.